
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pernahkah Anda Merasa Tambah Bego?

Saya sering.

Kayaknya gue jauh lebih pinter akhir taun lalu, disaat gue mengerjakan proyek2 pedestrian movement analysisnya ISP, dengan software MapInfo yang gue kuasai dalam sebulan.

Kayaknya gue jauh lebih pinter awal tahun lalu, disaat gue harus bekutat dengan 9 ujian dalam rentang waktu 2 minggu. Mencoba memahami semua materi2 real estate investment. Something I have never even heard of 2 years before. Ekonomi aja kaga ngarti.. boro2 finance.

Kayaknya gue jauh lebih pinter 2 tahun yang lalu disaat gue harus memanage project renovasi ballroom2 Dharmawangsa bernilai total lebih dari 1 milyar, dg 5 kontraktor+supplier, interior designer dari owner yg cerewet, chef yang berisik banyak maunya, dan only 2 weeks of available working time... gue kerjain sendiri.. selesai.. i dunno how i did it.

Kayaknya gue jauh lebih pinter 5 tahun yang lalu disaat gue berkutik dengan skripsi brilian (kata dosen2 lho) saya ttg blok M..

kayaknya gue jauh lebih pinter 15 tahun yang lalu.. disaat gue dengan yakinnya ngasih tau jawaban soal essay trakhir matematika kelas 6 yang paling susah... i was kelas 5 at that time. The 6th grade kid came to my class and thanked me the day after. Never know how i did it...

gue ga lain dari seorang musisi.... tepatnya, seorang pengangguran, pemabuk, tukang hura-hura..
Kepala gue udah pusing banget beberapa hari ini. Terlalu banyak alkohol, cimeng, rokok, alkohol, cimeng, rokok, selama 4 bulan gue di Jakarta.
Tinggal beberapa taun lagi gue begini, maka gaya ngomong gue bakal dah kayak bimbim slank.
Uang2 tabungan gue menurun drastis... But those girls, those alcohols, those marijuanas, will never be enough.
My life has never been this complicated.. but I'm enjoying every second of it.

So here is the new Raygava....
one who doesn't care anymore about social and economical background, intellectual, knowledge, maturity, politics, ethics, politeness.. one who doesn't care much anymore about the system. yet I feel more free than ever...

you should try it!
why not?
Everyone wants to be a success.. So what? nuthin new there.. Look at all those morons who keep chasing their stupid 'money dreams' (i call it money dreams, cz i know tey're all driven by money)... so yeah everyone wants to work abroad.... everyone wants to be a manager somewhere... everyone wants to be rich. Everyone wants to be in the system!!. C'mon be a bit creative!

Mungkin gue lebih bodoh... mungkin gue makin bodoh...

Tapi mungkin juga gue lebih pintar... dan mungkin juga gue makin pintar..

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