
Monday, March 12, 2012

Life is Pilih Sendiri Petualanganmu

Life is a series of "Pilih Sendiri Petualanganmu". 
Choose your options wisely and make the choice. 
There is No perfect ending that will satisfy you the most, but there will always be happy endings for several scenarios.
Lastly, and not the least important, if you've made your decision, then live with it! ;)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saya ingin. Mereka ingin

Saya ingin tidur.
Pacar saya ingin saya jalan-jalan Jakarta.
Ortu saya ingin saya ikut ke puncak.
Teman-teman saya ingin saya ke Bandung.
Partner saya ingin saya review tulisannya.
Klien-klien saya ingin saya segera kirim tulisan report (yang belum dikirim juga oleh partner saya karena belum direview)
Bos-bos saya kira hidup saya enak dan bisa istirahat.

Ohh pusingnya. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

No money No time

I was a musician. Without money and without glory. Without anyone who really love me.

But I've been missing that era so dearly. I miss my Tascam cassete 4track recorder I used to use to record composition ideas.
I miss mixing with my laptop. Now I don't have any mixing software in my laptop. I miss holding my guitar in the middle of the night as if it's the only thing in the world who understands me and understands what I was going throught at the time.
My musical era can be regarded as dark times. But I have to approve that it was, ironically, the age of ideas.

Some of the ideas I've got from the era are still documented. I'm dying to record some of these songs. I feel like I want to scream. I wanna get out! I wanna be broke again!

Around 27 months ago, I had only 400,000 rupiahs in my bank account. I had closed 2 accounts, leaving nothing. I remember those days so much.

I've went far, in term of financial, Alhamdulillah. But my anxiety still haunts me every time. I used to be a person with no money.
Now, I'm a person with no time :(

I want to create

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

so familiar this is

This is so familiar this.
I know this is.
I am the king... was!
Drama no more.

My friend told me this.
You know, there is a part of aries. That logical part, and the part where you hold your principal so dear.
Use those ones! Not the others!

It is as 'easy' as choosing between reality and illusion.
You know what I mean, don't you?

Go and stop this train!